Light for Orphans

Creating communities of love and support
for our most vulnerable children.

Be a Light for Orphans

Some of our most vulnerable children live in our orphanages in the Dominican Republic, Peru, and Southeast Asia. Our faithful, compassionate VisionTrust caregivers welcome children whose family-life circumstances have separated them from their biological families.
These children come from heartbreaking situations such as:
  • Abuse
  • Malnourishment
  • Abandonment
  • Trafficking
  • Child labor
  • Civil unrest
  • Trauma
  • Violence

Shine Inextinguishable Love

Every time we welcome a VisionTrust child into our orphanages, they arrive with painful experiences that cannot be simply erased with the provision of necessities like food, clothing and shelter.

Although the darkness of the past is pervasive, we hold tight to God’s resounding promise — “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

Light for Orphans is a movement of people embodying the inextinguishable love of Jesus by creating communities of love and support for these vulnerable children.

Every day our caregivers nurture these children, the light shines a little brighter. Through your presence and faithful donations, you can ensure that these children can always depend on their VisionTrust orphanage as a community of love and support. Be a Light for Orphans. Shine inextinguishable love.

Ketty’s House was founded when a brave woman named Ketty saw children being impacted by abuse, prostitution, and exploitation in her community. Since 2009, VisionTrust has been working with Ketty’s House to provide children and youth with twenty-four-hour care where they receive discipleship, educational support, nutritious meals, medical care, and nurturing guidance from dedicated caregivers.
Since 2005, VisionTrust has been serving children in the city of Ayacucho, Peru, through the Casa Luz Orphanage. Casa Luz has cared for hundreds of babies, children, and adolescents who needed a safe place to call home. The Casa Luz Orphanage has welcomed children who have been orphaned, abused, neglected, or abandoned by providing a nurturing environment where the love of Christ can bring physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.
When VisionTrust was founded in 1997, one of our first programs was an orphanage in Southeast Asia. Today, VisionTrust has three orphanages in Southeast Asia, serving preschoolers, elementary-aged students, and adolescents that have come into our care due to a variety of social, political, and economic challenges. Our faithful local leaders provide children with nutritious food, clean water, health care, tutoring and discipleship. *Due to security reasons, we are unable to disclose the names and locations of our Southeast Asia orphanages.

Child Story

Samuel* came to live at a VisionTrust orphanage for a season to provide reprieve for his struggling family. He was embraced into a community of love and caring, and later returned home for a season to reconnect with relatives. Today, he is a leader at his orphanage and is pursuing a university degree through remote learning. Here are a few stories of a few women of VisionTrust and their influence in the lives of our female children and adolescents that are part of our learning centers, schools, and orphanages around the world.