Malawi is a landlocked country that faces many challenges, such an underdeveloped infrastructure that impedes consistent access to fuel, water, and power. According to USAID, more than half of Malawians live below the poverty line and more than a quarter of the population does not consume enough calories each day.

What We're Doing In Malawi



We Have


Today There Are

Children Needing A Sponsor*

VisionTrust started serving children in a rural community called Katsekera in 2012. Through a preschool and learning center program, our local leaders provide a nurturing environment where children and youth benefit from healthy meals, tutoring, and spiritual development activities. A high reliance on rain-fed subsistence farming puts many families in a vulnerable position, particularly when cyclical droughts occur. Our VisionTrust program site has a dedicated area for growing various crops that help feed the children. Our VisionTrust Malawi staff is passionate about our children knowing and understanding that they are worth more because of Christ!

*We feature a small number of children available for sponsorship on our website. For more options, please email

Change the life of one child for Just $40/Month

That’s just $1.30 a day.

Children in Malawi are just like children everywhere — they want to play, learn, and grow. Unfortunately, these children can’t be kids without you. Your support keeps a child healthy, educated, and cared for — so they can be a child, not a statistic

Serve In Malawi

Come to Malawi to serve on a short-term mission team! VisionTrust needs your service and giftedness. Join the local staff and volunteers making a difference in Malawi.

Help Meet Malawi's Greatest Needs

Your support goes toward meeting the greatest needs of Malawi’s children — providing them with safety, nutrition, clean water, and education.

Our Local Leader

Evance joined the VisionTrust team in 2013, and three years later became the Program Leader at the VisionTrust Learning Center in Katsekera, Malawi. For Evance, leading the VisionTrust Malawi ministry is not merely a job, but rather a calling. Seeing the children in his community receive care motivates him to serve day in and day out. As he works with the children and witnesses the change in their lives, Evance sees the glory of God! Evance serves the Lord alongside his wife Annie. They are blessed with three beautiful daughters: Peace, Priscilla, and Patience.