Change 1 life today.
Light a new story in a child’s tomorrow.
Whether you already sponsor a VisionTrust child
or you are exploring the opportunity, we are here to help you!
or you are exploring the opportunity, we are here to help you!
A Sponsor Child’s Perspective
Curious to see how a sponsor can change 1 life?
Click the button below.
Click the button below.

Light A New Story
- All around the world, there are children living in dark situations. The demands of day-to-day survival extinguish opportunities – talents lie latent and gifts go undiscovered. The world is deprived of unnumberable stories of joy, purpose, innovation, and kindness.
- For children to thrive, they need the loving presence of God and others to bring light into their lives.
- You can spark change for one child by becoming a sponsor. Your prayers, letters of encouragement, and financial generosity combine with the faithful presence of our local VisionTrust leaders to bring a new story forward.
- Though separated by miles, we are united in heart to help each child see and believe that they are worth more!
When you sponsor a child, you receive:
- The honor of being a child’s true friend bringing light into their life
- The joy of sharing Christ’s love through your donations, prayers, and letters
- Authentic updates on how VisionTrust is supporting your child’s health, education, and spiritual development
- Two letters and one photo per year from your child
Your child sponsorship provides:
- Mentorship from local adults that shine Christ’s love
- Programming and resources to support your child’s health, education, and spiritual development
- A safe, nurturing environment where your child can grow in their faith
- Encouragement, love, and affirmation through your donations, letters, and prayers
Relationship Matters
Here are some simple, powerful ways to connect with your sponsor child.
Sending a
Personal Message
The child you sponsor loves to hear from you! Each note and photo you share are cherished. Get started here.
Sending a
Physical Letter
Send a physical letter using one of these templates to:
VisionTrust International
3710 Sinton Road #100
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Sending an
Email your message and/or photo to childletters@visiontrust.org.Please include your full name, as well as your sponsor child’s name and ID if you have them handy!

Serve in your sponsor child’s community
Ready to meet your sponsor child face-to-face and make a hands-on difference in their life? Learn more about short-term missions here.