Serve locally. Impact globally.

Children all around the world face food insecurity every day.

One nourishing meal a day can make a world of difference for a child in need.

Together, we can guarantee every child served by VisionTrust can depend on us for consistent meals.

Partner with VisionTrust to facilitate a life-changing service opportunity for your church or organization by hosting a Meal Packing Event. In a few short hours, your volunteers will collaborate to pack highly nutritious meals for children in need around the world.

Benefits of Meal Packing Events

Our partners love hosting these events because they are:


Events are scalable to fit your volunteer and meal goals.*

*Minimum requirement for an event is 30,000 – 40,000 meals, depending on your event’s geographic location.


All ages are welcome, and many groups enjoy offering a multi-generational, family-friendly experience.

Events can be curated to engage your target audience of volunteers.


Each meal costs just $0.28, which covers all ingredients, equipment, and set-up needed for your packing event.


Volunteers get to make a tangible and significant impact while participating in a fun, dynamic event.

Hosting a meal packing event is simple.

How it works:

Connect With Us.

Fill out the interest form below and someone from our VisionTrust team will be in touch to coordinate an exploratory call. We are happy to field questions, provide additional details, and help determine if meal packing is a good fit for your church or organization.

Set The Date.

When confirming your event, VisionTrust will help you select a date, set a goal for the number of meals you will pack, and determine a plan for fundraising and recruiting volunteers.

Get Funding & Volunteers.

VisionTrust and our meal packing partner, Kids Around the World, will collaborate with you to provide coaching, resources, and ideas to ensure your event is set up for success.

Pack. Ship. Celebrate!

Your event will help provide thousands of vital meals to children in need. For many of the children you are serving, the meal they receive at their VisionTrust program may be their only nutritious meal of the day. We are grateful for partners like YOU who make it possible for them to depend on that one meal.

Meal Packing Event Interest Form

in partnership with

Liz's Story